Thursday, July 16, 2020

Severance Period - Month 2 (with 1 to go)

My best friend came to visit for a few weeks. I hadn't seen her in almost 5 years, so it was long overdue. She RV'd it with 1 cat, 1 kitten, and 2 dogs (which used to be ours when we were roommates).

We had trouble finding a local and reliable RV site, so we ended up modifying a power outlet in the garage as a 30 amp connector for her RV, hooked her up to the house water supply, and used the septic tank when the RV needed to be emptied. It worked out pretty well. :-)

Having her here resulted in catching up on a few shows that I'd been meaning to watch, but I usually don't because I end up reading a book instead. :-) A short road trip to Branson was done and we went to a very empty Silver Dollar City the first day. It was a bit disappointing as rides aren't fun when there's no one else there to ride them with you. The play area was also closed, which is my son's favorite part. Day two was a bit better by going to the water park. Many more people, but still not overcrowded. We spend a good 4 hours (no sunburns!) there before packing up and heading back home. A few days later, I got a little adventurous and we died my hair dark blue. It actually turned out awesome. I feel like a comic book character where the hair is colored black/blue. :-)

While she was here, my cleaning/organizing binge continued. Facebook Marketplace turned out to be a great way to get rid of some furniture and clean out the living room. Some of it is still there, but every little bit helps! The bathroom fixtures were fixed up so the shower head didn't drip anymore. More stuff was thrown away and the "garage sale" pile grew.

Soon after her departure and continued adventure, I set to work on my car. I had had a trailer hitch in the garage since about November. We finally had a "cooler" day and I took advantage of it to install it. A "30 minute" job turned into about 3 hours. Thankfully, my brother was around to help get it installed (those suckers are heavy!). If I had been in a proper auto shop, it probably would have taken about 30 minutes, but that's never the case at home! One challenge was getting the wiring harness hooked up inside the car. The paneling doesn't give you much room to work, but I swore myself through it. The second challenge was one of the bolts had a burr and just would not screw on properly. I ended up using an air tool to get it going. With that done, I could now order/use a wheelchair carrier to make it easier than lifting it in and out of the trunk.

With the hot weather back in play, I focused on the house. First room to tackle was my office. I had a second monitor to install and I had family pictures in there for a project to digitize all of them. That didn't happen, so I packed up everything and decided to re-arrange the office completely. That took about 5 hours, but I'm very happy with the results. The room is much more open, the wires are much better managed, and all the nooks and crannies got a good cleaning/vacuuming. I've got a new drawer organizer coming that will help reduce the desk clutter that had built up over the years.

In the quiet times, I continued the job hunt. There was one job interview with a local company that I felt went well and hoping a second interview is forthcoming. Several other remote positions have been applied for, but no responses to them yet. I simply keep trying and hoping to have something lined up before my severance period is over.

Taking life day by day and keeping up with my home projects is making my outlook hopeful. :-)

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