Thursday, May 23, 2013

Trouble with cables

As expected, I've already fallen behind on this blog. *sigh* Well, I'll continue to plod along when I can.

Today, all I needed was a mini-USB cable too hook up my mom's Garmin and get the maps updated. I swear almost everything I buy comes with this type of cable and it always manages to disappear when I actually need it.

Sifting through the box I have yet to put into storage of old accessories, the cable failed to be located, but I KNOW it's around here somewhere! It does give me an excuse to go to my storage unit this weekend, however.

In that storage unit is a box of nothing but cables for both computer and entertainment center. All for that moment of when I need it, but, because I'm not in my own house yet, that convenience is now down the road a ways, locked away, rather than in my garage or a storage closet. :-)

No matter how many I have or how tangled they manage to get themselves, I will always have spare cables because there always comes a moment like today where it is needed.

Though wireless and bluetooth continue to make strides, there are many still using machines that do not have this convenience and many manufacturers still build that cable connection because it's typically faster and more reliable and easier to manage for some.

I imagine the day my son/nephew will only know of wires as power lines along the road, but none are used to communicate between devices. And his children...who knows? Undoubtedly, the day will come of "the waste" of using wires and finding alternatives for what to do with all of the "leftovers". Imagine the tons of copper...I could see it being recycled into kitchenware or something nifty like that. :-)

Now...back to digging for that stinker of a cable...

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